Jeff Bridgman Antique Flags
Sold Flags


Available: Sold
Frame Size (H x L): 20" x 25.25"
Flag Size (H x L): 11.75" x 17"
Noted American flag collector, Boleslaw Mastai, referred to this rare 48 star parade flag design as the "Franco-Anglo-American Flag". Made in support of the Allied Forces in WWI, perhaps 15 -20 of these are known to have surfaced, 11 of which were at one time part of the Mastai collection. One of these is illustrated on page 237 of his book, "The Stars and the Stripes", (Alfred A. Knopf , New York, 1973). He describes it as follows: "Here the three national flags have actually been fused instead of combined. Emphasis is, nonetheless, on the flag's American elements: the stars appear on a canton of French tri-color bands, and rows of small Union Jacks joined form the stripes.”

Printed on white silk in striking shades of red and blue, the flag’s artistic qualities are stunningly beautiful. Designed by Albert Hewitt of Mount Vernon, New York, and patented on February 26th, 1918 [U.S. patent # 51812], its actual title was the “Humanity Flag.” Hewitt merchandised his creation in the form of a painting and lithographs, as well as actual flags, the goal of which was to promote the spread of democracy. His conception was a graphic representation of President Woodrow Wilson’s justification for entering the First World War, delivered via his casus belli address to the nation on April 2nd, 1917.

Labels that accompanied the lithographs read as follows: “The Humanity Flag "Auxilio Dei"; This Flag will make the World safe for Democracy and Humanity; Manufactured exclusively by The Commercial Decalcomania Co. Inc.; Sole Distributor: Muirheid-Winter Co. Inc., 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City.” It is unclear if this firm was contracted to make the flags as well as the lithos. Whatever the case may be, the patent date, printed in red below the canton, is highly unusual across printed parade flags of any period.

There were actually 23 member nations of the Allied Forces, or what was known as the “Entente” [a diplomatic understanding]. These powers entered the war at various points. Seven countries declared war in 1914, following the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the presumed heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne. They included Serbia, Russia, France, Belgium, the British Empire, Montenegro, and Japan. The 16 remaining nations declared war in 1915 and afterward. These include Italy, Portugal, Romania, the United States, Cuba, Panama, Greece, Siam, Liberia, China, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Cost Rica, Honduras, and Haiti.

Multinational design Allied Forces flags like this exist from both WWI and WWII, produced in the patriotism of the war or the resulting victories. The American-made examples are generally unattractive, having graphics that are comprised of 4 or 6 separate flags arranged in rows. This particular design, by contrast, is arguably one of the most beautiful and graphically pleasing that one may encounter throughout all examples world-wide.

  Mounting: The flag was mounted and framed within our own conservation department, which is led by expert staff. We take great care in the mounting and preservation of flags and have framed thousands of examples.

The background is 100% cotton twill, black in color. The background is 100% twill, black in color. The mount has been placed in a deep, shadowbox style molding with a step-down profile and a finish that is dark brown, nearly black, with red undertones and highlights, to which a gilded molding with a flat profile was added as a liner. Spacers keep the textile away from the glazing, which is U.V. protective glass. Feel free to contact us for more details.

Condition: Excellent.
Collector Level: Advanced Collectors and the Person with Everything
Flag Type:
Star Count: 48
Earliest Date of Origin: 1918
Latest Date of Origin: 1918
State/Affiliation: New York
War Association: WW 1
Price: Please call (717) 676-0545 or (717) 502-1281

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