Jeff Bridgman Antique Flags
Antique Flags > American Flags



Web ID: pat-626
Available: In Stock
Frame Size (H x L): Approx. 13.5" x 17.25"
Flag Size (H x L): ribbon - 6.5" x 2.25", cdv site - 4.25" x 5.5"
Memorial ribbon and CDV image of the August 8th, 1885 funeral procession for President of the United States and Commanding Civil War General Ulysses S. Grant. Printed on fine silk, with a pulled work fringe, the ribbon features a portrait of the former president, set within an oval window, wound with olive branches. There is a federal shield at the top, with 9 stars and 13 pales (vertical stripes). Because the stripe count is accurate, the star count seems purposeful. If this is the case, it would reflect the number of Union States within the 13 original colonies. Note that the color of the stars and the field that they are on are reversed from their normal schematic. Behind and above the shield is a rising sun, while to each side and below are more olive branches. Below is a spread-winged eagle carrying the Stars & Stripes.

Above the portrait are the words “Our Nation’s Hero.” Below, in varying fonts, are “Gen. U.S. Grant,” followed by “Born April 27, 1822.” and “Died July 23, 1885.” At the bottom are words that emphasize the meaning of so many olive branches in place of oak leaves and arrows, “Peace at Last.”

Beneath the eagle’s left wing is the signature of the maker, “A. Zeese & Co., Chi. [Chicago].”

The CDV image of the funeral procession is entitled: “Gen. Grant’s Funeral Procession on Broadway, N.Y.,” followed by the date “August 8, 1885.”

The following, succinct description of the events of that day, and the subsequent details of Grant’s Tomb, was written by WGBH Educational Foundation for NPR:

“As Ulysses S. Grant's funeral procession made its way through New York City on August 8, 1885, it seemed everyone in the city was watching. Crowds packed every square inch of available viewing space on the ground, and buildings were draped in black in Grant's honor.

The column of mourners who accompanied Grant was seven miles long. Among those mourners were three United States presidents. If old enemies from the Civil War carried grudges, they set them aside. Grant's pallbearers were Generals William Tecumseh Sherman and Philip Sheridan, who had fought for the Union, and Simon Bolivar Buckner and Joseph Johnston, who had fought for the Confederacy. Union and Confederate officers in the procession rode together in the same carriages.

Placed in a "temporary" tomb in Riverside Park, Grant's body stayed there for nearly 12 years, while supporters raised money for the construction of a permanent resting place. In what was then the biggest public fundraising campaign in history, some 90,000 people from around the world donated over $600,000 to build Grant's Tomb.

Designed by architect John Duncan, the tomb overlooks the Hudson River in New York's Morningside Heights. The monument is partly modeled on one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the tomb built at Halikarnassos (modern-day Bodrum in Turkey) for King Mausolus by his grieving wife, Artemisia. Mausolus' tomb was so spectacular it a coined a Latin word, "mausoleum," that defined a large, stately burial structure. Grant's granite and marble monument includes mosaics depicting Grant's victories at Vicksburg and Chattanooga and General Robert E. Lee's surrender to Grant at Appomattox. A million people, including President William McKinley, attended the tomb's dedication on April 27, 1897, 10 days after Grant's body had been moved there. Grant's Tomb was — and is —the largest tomb in North America.

After her death in 1902, Grant's wife Julia was laid to rest alongside her husband.”

The Union League Club of New York contributed a significant portion of the funds to build the tomb.

Brief History of Ulysses S. Grant:
President and General Ulysses S. Grant was born in Ohio in 1822, the son of a tanner. He was shy and quiet as a youth, and most who knew him then would never have expected forthcoming greatness. Like Robert E. Lee, his eventual Confederate counterpart, Grant was a West Point graduate and fought in the Mexican War. Unlike that of Lee, however, Grant’s early military career was far from illustrious. Forced to leave the Army for insubordination, as a civilian he went through six different jobs in just six years. When war broke out in 1861, he was working for his father’s leather shop in Illinois. Trained officers were scarce, so he soon returned to the Army and was placed in charge of an unruly group of Illinois volunteers that no one else would have. Accounts say that he drilled them nearly to their death, before leading minor, successful campaigns that turned heads and won him a promotion to Brigadier General. Various incidents and problems with alcohol caused many to plead for his dismissal, but Lincoln made the suggestion that “a case of whatever Grant was drinking” be sent to every Union General. “I cannot spare this man”, touted Lincoln, “...he fights.” In March of 1864, Grant’s continued determination caused Lincoln to place him in charge of the entire Union Army. In April of 1865, he cornered the main part of the Confederate Army near Richmond, Virginia, an act that caused the surrender of General Lee and ended the war.

Following the failures of incumbent President, Andrew Johnson, Grant’s hero status won him the 1868 Republican nomination. He was elected, and although many shortcomings would cause Grant’s presidency to be widely criticized, he was known to be terminally honest, exceptionally loyal to his friends and staff (sometimes to a fault), and he was re-elected in 1872. While in office, he fought for equal voting rights for people of all races and colors, pushing the 15th amendment to its 1870 ratification. Grant strove to maintain order in the south with brute force, using the military to protect African Americans and combat southern extremists and hate groups, such as the Klu Klux Klan, which had been established in 1866 and was experiencing rapid growth. Grant died in 1885 and was interred in New York City (Grant’s Tomb).

Mounting: The ribbon and card were mounted and framed within our own conservation department, which is led by expert staff. We take great care in the mounting and preservation of flags and have framed thousands of examples.

The background is 100% cotton twill, black in color, which was washed and treated for color-fastness. The paint-decorated and gilded molding dates to the period between 1840 and 1870. The glazing is U.V. protective museum glass.

Condition: The ribbon exhibits minor staining. The CDV has rough edges on the card itself, on the reverse of which there is also old, paper tape. The card is significantly oxidized and the image has minor fading.
Collector Level: Intermediate-Level Collectors and Special Gifts
Flag Type:
Star Count:
Earliest Date of Origin: 1885
Latest Date of Origin: 1885
State/Affiliation: New York
War Association: 1861-1865 Civil War
Price: Please call (717) 676-0545 or (717) 502-1281

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