Jeff Bridgman Antique Flags
Sold Flags


Available: Sold
Frame Size (H x L): 41.5" x 66.5"
Flag Size (H x L): 30.5" x 55.5"
Across antique American flags that date to the 19th century and prior, very few exist that pre-date the Civil War (1861-65). I often cite the percentage at around 1 – 1.5 percent. Within this tiny fraction, most of these rare survivors are very large in scale. This is because the flag was created as a tool for the American Navy, to identify ships on the open seas. In spite of what we are led to believe by its appearance in Hollywood productions, early illustrations, and elsewhere, ground forces were not authorized to carry the Stars & Stripes until the mid-1830's and after. The first war it in which the American national flag was carried was the Mexican War (1846-48). Because almost no flags survive from this conflict, the first wartime appearance of American flags in any significant number was the Civil War, and it was at this same time that use of the flag by private citizens gained popularity.

13 star flags have been continuously produced throughout our nation’s history for purposes both patriotic and utilitarian. This was the original number of stars on the American flag, representing the original 13 colonies, and so was appropriate for any flag made with reference to American independence. As the number of stars grew with the addition of new states, it became more and more difficult to fit them on a smaller flag. Ship captains were concerned that the stars be more easily viewed from a distance as individual objects, so that their union didn’t become cluttered. The U.S. Navy flew reduced star counts on most smaller flags, particularly from the mid-19th century onward. Although the full star count of the respective period was certainly employed in some cases, as evidenced by a scattering of surviving examples and illustrations, I believe the Navy tradition of using reduced counts, especially 13 stars, may have persisted from the 18th century onward, through this era, until President Woodrow Wilson put an end to the practice in 1916, via Executive Order. Because the use of signals on private ships often mirrored that of the Navy, 13 star flags could be expected to appear on privately owned vessels, especially in the mid-19th century and prior.

In addition to their practical use on ships, 13 star flags were sometimes hoisted in the pre-Civil War era at patriotic events. They are known to have been displayed to honor Lafayette’s final visit to America in 1824-25, festooning the garishly decorated receptions and parades held in honor of the beloved Revolutionary War general, as he toured the nation immediately preceding its 50-year anniversary of independence. The 13 star count also appears on some of our nation’s earliest flags made for political campaigning pre-1861, on which the use of that number is presumed to glorify past struggles for American liberty, a concept that persisted during the Civil War, when more 13 star flags appeared within both private and commercially-made examples.

Made sometime between roughly 1840 and the 1850’s, the flag that is the subject of this narrative falls among the earliest that survive in this star count. Stylistically it is comparable to other U.S. Navy small boat ensigns of the time. Entirely hand-sewn throughout, the canton and stripes of the flag are made of wool bunting. The stars are made of cotton, hand-sewn, and double-appliquéd (applied to both sides). These are arranged in rows of 4-5-4, which, according to historical record, as well as some surviving flags, this pattern was popular in the earliest periods of American history, present on some of our nation’s eldest examples. Because no one is certain what the very first flag looked like, and because this was a seemingly popular variant, I have long speculated that the 4-5-4 pattern is on the short list of possible candidates to have appeared as the original design. Due to these facts, as well as general scarcity of the configuration on surviving examples, this is a very desirable pattern.

Generally speaking, unless the demands of war outstripped the limits of production, the Navy made its own flags. Commercially-made examples were requisitioned in time of high demand and/or as a matter of practicality. In the mid-19th century, until the latter part of the Civil War (approx. 1864-65), small boat ensigns typically displayed the 4-5-4 design. The stars tended to be proportionally small, with respect to the size of the flag, as is the case here. The proportions of Navy-made flags tended to be rectangular, even elongated, as opposed to square, and thus quite different from their ground-carried counterparts. Military battle flags were square so that they could be as large as possible and not drag on the ground. Ship’s ensigns were generally long and narrow for the same reason, so that they were as large as possible, but would not get entangled in the sails and rigging below. Cantons were likewise rectangular. The primary fabric was invariably wool, which sheds water. The red, white, and blue fabric, along the hoist end, was rolled back onto itself before the binding was applied. On many Navy flags, a folded portion of this was purposefully exposed when the binding was added, as seen on this example, probably for a combination of strength and to include some additional fabric, should stress at the upper or lower hoist-end corners require shortening or repair. There is a coarse linen or hemp binding along the hoist, with two whip-stitched, hand-sewn grommets. Though other methods of attachment were employed, this is definitely a predictable hoist binding among U.S. Navy flags of the period.

Although the star pattern on small boat ensigns was unspecified in this era, the transition to the 3-2-3-2-3 design seems to have occurred at approximately the same time that new regulations were adopted, in 1864. That said, because variation seems to have been more of a rule than the exception with regard to production and procurement of Civil War flags, and because ships’ stores generally more than one flag, it’s hard to make any hard fast judgments about precisely when 4-5-4 pattern flags were no longer flying on U.S. Navy ships.

Prior to the Civil War, the other primary reason that the national flag was produced was for garrisons and government buildings. Because their function was to serve as signals, necessary to be seen from great distance, flags of all kinds—particularly for structures and ships—can easily be beyond a scale easily framed and displayed in an indoor setting. Garrison flags were 36-45 feet on the fly. Flags flown in their stead during inclement weather, termed “storm flags,” were 20 feet in length. Navy regulations listed nothing under 6 feet until 1864, when a 5-foot version was introduced, notedly rare among actual, surviving flags. Small boat flags could be as long as 10 feet until the 1880’s. Even Union infantry battle flags, carried on foot, were 6 x 6.5 feet. Because framing typically adds about a foot, the way that I prefer it, displaying just one flag in any of the above sizes can be a challenge, let alone several flags.

At just 2.5 feet on the hoist by just over 4.5 on the fly, this is one of the smallest flags of its kind that one may encounter. Though regulations didn’t specify such a scale, the overall form and construction are classic U.S. Navy. Known examples such as this survive, but are an extraordinary find. This was what might be expected for use on a small skiff, to transport sailors back-and-forth to shore, or perhaps on a pilot house, if there was a staff on which such a flag might be displayed and the captain favored a flag in that location.

In summary, this is among the earliest examples of a 13 star flag that one might ever expect to encounter, in addition to being one of the earliest U.S. Navy flags, entirely hand-sewn and in a desirable star pattern, as well as in a tiny scale among its counterparts of the period, smaller than just about anything made for military use save flank markers and camp flags. All-in-all, a magnificent addition to any flag collection of any level.

Note: Because any star count that has previously been official remains so today, according to the flag acts of the United States Congress, and because so few of attributes of the flag’s design were specified, all 13-star, 13-stripe flags, in otherwise appropriate forms, remain official flags of the United States.

Mounting: The flag was mounted and framed in-house. For 25 years we have maintained our own specialized department for this purpose and our lead conservator holds a master's degree in textile conservation from one of the nation’s top programs. We take great care in the mounting and preservation of flags and related textiles and have preserved thousands of examples.

The black-painted, hand-gilded and distressed molding is Italian. The background is 100% cotton twill, black in color, that has been washed and treated for colorfastness. The glazing is U.V. protective acrylic (Plexiglas). Feel free to contact us for more details.

Condition: There is minor to modest soiling along the hoist binding, accompanied by small spots of rust-colored staining. There is moderate, golden brown oxidation of the white fabric in the stars and some soiling. There is minor soiling in the striped field. There is a diagonal tear extending from the 3rd to the 5th stripes, near the center of the flag. There is significant loss in the lower, fly-end corner, at the end of the last 2 stripes and extending into the red stripe above. An underlay was prepared in this area, using early wool bunting, with the result made to look as much as possible like the area that was absent. Small segments at the extreme fly end of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th white stripes were underlaid with early wool bunting. Many of my clients prefer early flags to show their age and history of use.
Collector Level: Flags for the truest Patriots. My best offerings
Flag Type: Sewn flag
Star Count: 13
Earliest Date of Origin: 1835
Latest Date of Origin: 1850's
State/Affiliation: 13 Original Colonies
War Association: 1777-1860 Pre-Civil War
Price: SOLD

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