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Every time you turn around there is another Parcheesi board in the antiques world. I see many at better quality shows, as well as at auction. Numerous examples are of excellent quality and I'd even go so far as to say that this is one category where many have strong graphics and are great from a purely academic sense. Many, however, are of average size, about 18"-20" square and garishly multi-colored. This one is different. Why? Because it's not simply a five-color, 19th century board with a nicely molded edge and great surface. Those are three very positive features, but the real strength lies in three areas. One, at 28" square, it dwarfs other boards. It's only about a third larger, at the most, but the difference gives the appearance of almost twice the normal size. Two, say what you will of green and blue, but I'll take a strong dose of bittersweet orange or tomato red first. Red is everywhere, yes, but variations of sunfire red are much more unusual, always draw attention from sophisticated connoisseurs, and often sells briskly. Further, it's atypical to find a Parcheesi board that is predominated by this color. Three, the colors are complimentary. Combine huge size, desired colors, strong surface and graphics, and the result is very dynamic, placing this board on the short list of the best I have ever encountered. Construction: Pine planks, polychrome paint, wire-nailed pine molding, ca 1885-1890's, American. Provenance: Fred Giampetro, Good & Forsythe, Austin Miller, Stephen Douglas, Mike Whitimore. Condition: Expected wear from obvious use. Period brass ring was likely added.
Primary Color: bittersweet orange, tomato red, mustard, gold
Earliest Date: 1885
Latest Date: 1890
For Sale Status: Sold
Price SOLD
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