Jeff Bridgman Antique Flags
Sold Flags


Available: Sold
Frame Size (H x L): Approx. 50" on the diagonal, or 35" x 35.75" when horizontal
Flag Size (H x L): 24" x 24.5"
Made in the patriotism of WWII (U.S. involvement 1941-45,) possibly in conjunction with a war bond drive, this terrific and very rare bandanna features a square blue window in the center, where the words "Remember Pearl Harbor" appear within a circular wreath of 13 stars. This is set upon a field of 23, red and white stripes, on which 12 patriotic slogans appear in blue, block letters. The iconic American phrases include:

The Price Of Liberty Is Eternal Vigilance [unknown source]

Right Makes Might [Abraham Lincoln at the Cooper Union, Philadelphia]

Speak Softly But Carry A Big Stick [Teddy Roosevelt's slogan regarding the best approach to foreign policy]

Lafayette We Are Here [Charles E. Stanton, WWI officer and nephew of Lincoln's Secretary of War, while standing before the Frenchman's grave in 1917]

Don’t Tread On Me [Rev. War slogan from a flag designed by South Carolina politician Christopher Gadsen]

Freedom Shall Not Perish From This Earth [Abraham Lincoln during the Gettysburg Address, with slight rewording]

Don’t Give Up This Ship [Capt. James Lawrence aboard the U.S.S. Chesapeake during the Rev. War]

Make The World Safe For Democracy [Woodrow Wilson before a joint session of Congress in 1917, seeking a Declaration of War against Germany]

Do Or Die. Never Surrender [general WWII patriotism]

Keep ‘Em Flying [slogan from WWII war bond posters]

We Are Ready Now [American Commander Joseph Taussig to British Commander in Chief of the Coasts of Ireland, Vice Admiral Sir Lewis Bayly, during WWI, when he arrived with Division 8 of the Atlantic Fleet to drive off German U-Boats]

Damn The Torpedoes Full Speed Ahead [Admiral Farragut during the Battle of Mobile Bay, off the coast of Alabama, during the Civil War]

A blue border surrounds the striped field.

Printed on heavy and especially high quality Rayon, I have encountered just three or four examples of this rare and beautiful textile with its terrific flag imagery.

Mounting: The textile was mounted and framed within our own conservation department, which is led by expert trained staff. We take great care in the mounting and presentation of flags and have preserved thousands of examples.

The background is 100% hemp fabric, ivory in color. The mount was placed in a black painted Italian molding with a shaped profile and a silver inner lip. The glazing is U.V. protective acrylic.

Condition: There is minor to moderate soiling and staining, mostly located in the top and bottom white stripes, though some in the center as well. There are a number of tiny holes. There is a bit of fading in the center panel in one small areas, but overall the colors are remarkably strong.
Collector Level: Advanced Collectors and the Person with Everything
Flag Type:
Star Count: 13
Earliest Date of Origin: 1941
Latest Date of Origin: 1945
State/Affiliation: Hawaii
War Association: WW 2
Price: SOLD

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