Jeff Bridgman Antique Flags
Sold Flags


Available: Sold
Frame Size (H x L): 19.5" x 25.5"
Flag Size (H x L): 12" x 16.5"
SIGNATURES OF GENERALS GEORGE PATTON AND OMAR BRADLEY ON A SILK, 48 STAR PARADE FLAG: This silk, 48 star American parade flag is exceptional among known examples because of the signatures it contains near the fly end of the bottom eight stripes. These include three of the most famous WWII generals: George S. Patton Jr,, Omar N. Bradley, and the slightly lesser known Hoyt S. Vandenberg, who led the 9th Air Corps in the bombing of Europe. Three other signatures on the flag include members of the War Production Board. James Folger served as Vice-Chairman for Field Operations and was owner of Folgers's coffee before the war. William Y. Elliott was Vice-Chairman for Civilian-Requirements. He was also part of Roosevelt's "Brain Trust" and accompanied the President to Yalta. Prominent at Harvard University as an advocate of a "New World Order", Elliott was mentor to Henry Kissinger (post war). President Truman gave Elliott the flag that flew over the capitol on V-J Day, that marked the war's end. Joseph D Keenan was Vice Chairman for Labor Production. He was also advisor to Gen. Lucius Clay (post-war) for the direction of man power in Germany. Pre-U.S. involvement, in 1940, he had aworked with F.D.R's National Defense Advisory Commission. A forth signature, W. Brennan (sic) remains unknown. As to the reason for the reason behind why these signatures were recorded on this flag, one can only speculate that the personalities were together in Washington in June of 1945 for events and meetings. The generals returned in June to visit the White House and receive their post-war assignments in what must have been a furry of activity. Because of the quick signing with fountain pens (same pen) on silk, some of the signatures are not as clear and "crisp" as they would appear if signed on paper. It appears as if someone at one of the gatherings appreciated the importance of the moment and quickly passed around a pen. Little did they know what significance such an act might have, as I know of no other flags, and there may be no others, that contain the signatures of both Patton and Bradley, two of the best remembered generals of all time. Mounting: This is a sandwich mount between 100% cotton velvet and u.v. protective plexiglas. The black fabric was washed and treated to reduce and set the dye. The mount was then placed in a silver gilt frame that dates to the period between 1830 and 1860.
Collector Level:
Flag Type: Parade flag
Star Count: 48
Earliest Date of Origin: 1845
Latest Date of Origin: 1845
State/Affiliation: Arizona
War Association: WW 2
Price: No

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