Jeff Bridgman Antique Flags
Sold Flags


Available: Sold
Frame Size (H x L):
Flag Size (H x L): 28.5" x 35.5"
In the field of American political collectibles, there is very little that features Andrew Johnson as a sitting president. Johnson ascended to our nation's highest office following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln on April 14th, 1865. Though he presided over the country through Reconstruction of the South, he did not seek reelection and therefore never ran for the presidency, only the vice-presidency under Lincoln. This means that there were no "Andrew Johnson for President" flags, banners, kerchiefs, broadsides, or other graphic campaign objects. Very few items of this sort were produced for presidents of the United States during the 19th century while they were in office, unless they were campaigning, and that is why this very rare Andrew Johnson broadside is so important.

In addition to its rarity, the broadside is strikingly bold, colorful, and large in scale. The portraits are attractive and the collection of important Civil War personalities around the president offer a keen snapshot of the heros of the North. These include Admirals Farragut and Porter, Generals Grant, Sherman, Hooker, Roscrans, Kilpatrick, Sigel, Meade, Thomas, Meagher, Logan, Burnside, and Terry, plus Secretary of War Edwin Stanton and Secretary of State William Seward. Stars and placement denote the importance of the figures, each of which is set within a fanciful, horseshoe-shaped wreath. Crossed cannons and swords flank the corners of Johnson's stern but pleasant image. It is interesting to note that no vice president was chosen to replace Johnson during his almost 4-year term.

A long list of other generals is included in two columns flanking Stanton and Seward, each entitled "The Roll of Honor". Between them is an illustration of five men raising an elongated American flag in celebration of victory. Among these is a soldier, a sailor, a politician, a farmer, and a slave.

Text on the broadside reads as follows: "Seventeenth President Andrew Johnson Born December 20, 1808" and "The Guardians of Our Country" is the featured title, spelled out in elaborately decorative letters. Below this is "The Star Spangled Banner in Triumph shall Wave; Over the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave".

Along the bottom is various documentation from the publisher that reads: Haasis & Lubrecht, Publishers, 108 Liberty Street, N.Y.; Entered according to Act of Congress 1865, by Haasis & Lubrecht, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York; Agents wanted to sell this Chart and a great variety of other Carts & Maps. Also listed are current agents in various cities, including B.B. Russell & Co., Boston, Golden & Sammons, Chicago, W. Holt, San Francisco, and J. & D. Beatson, Cincinnati.

Mounting: The broadside has been mounted to canvas.

Condition: There is light foxing, the most significant of which runs through the top 5 portraits. The entire surface has been varnished with some manner of preservative. This has yellowed with time. The great rarity of the broadside warrants practically any condition. The colors are saturated and strong. The parchment is remarkably intact.
Collector Level: Flags for the truest Patriots. My best offerings
Flag Type:
Star Count:
Earliest Date of Origin: 1865
Latest Date of Origin: 1865
State/Affiliation: New York
War Association: 1861-1865 Civil War
Price: SOLD

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